
Fall of 2025

Illinois Central Christian School

State Registered School

“A One Cost School”


All Tuition
All Fees
All Text Books
All PE Uniforms
All Lab Fees
All Sports Fees

Receive $2,000 off of your entire school bill for the year if you have a student enrolled in Preschool or Kindergarten at ICCS.


Total One Cost: One Student
$510 per month x 10 payments


Total One Cost: Two Student
$850 per month x 10 payments


Total One Cost: Three Student
$1,130 per month x 10 payments


Total One Cost: Four or More Student
Add $60 per MONTH for each additional student


 You may subtract $100.00 off your total payment for each semester if paid in advance.


Payment Policies
  1. Monthly payments are due the 1st of each month beginning in September.
  2. Students transferring out before the end of the year will owe tuition only through the end of the month in which they transfer.
  3. A student must withdraw from school if tuition is more than 45 days overdue.